Awesome! Your Application Is Complete & Your Breakthrough Strategy Session Is Scheduled

Appointment Details:

Thanks for scheduling your free breakthrough strategy session.
I have sent you confirmation of your calls time and date via email, please make sure that you put this in your calendar right now.
One of my team members will call at the precise time that you selected, be sure that we got the proper contact info and that you are a fit for the program- keep an eye on your phone. 

Once we get you through that process you will meet with your consultant on Zoom please make sure that you are ready when we call.

We look forward to helping you explode your business and achieve massive success!

Your Bonuses Begin Now:

1. Get the Sales script here

2. Practice the Acceleration Game Plan during our call together

3. $500 off our services if you decide to work with us

We don't accept everyone into our program. We limit our focus so that we can provide the best possible one-on-one attention to those we DO accept (about 30% of those who apply.) But even if you're not accepted, we're happy to help with the free advice on this call. Make sure you get the most from it and have your questions ready!