Latest article from Forbes proves our point! 

Recent data from Facebook finds that 56% of shoppers would rather send instant messages than call a support line. If your customers can’t quickly receive an answer to their question about your product or service, they might rather bounce than pick up the phone to call you. A chatbot is the best way to deliver instant answers to prospects and customers, allowing you to close sales that otherwise would have gone astray.

How we’re generating 35 leads per week at $2 per lead

Spectrum Aesthetics had told us that they wanted to start for tummy tucks consultants, and wanted to see if we could get them at least 4 leads per week. After doing a full audit of their brand, looking at their real self testimonials, and video testimonials, I could already see how we could go way beyond their expectations.

They tried doing facebook ads themselves but they weren’t getting targeted leads.  They were extremely proud of their” Before and After” pictures and wanted to get them in the ads within getting disapproved. They were relying on google ads for leads but wanted to incorporate using facebook ads because they knew there was an untapped market waiting for them, but didn’t have the right strategies to knock it out of the park.

Click here to see it live!

Or check out the video in the right column > 

We looked at all of their benefits to see what the strategy would be. 

Since they have amazing reviews on real self, google, and yelp but they also had video testimonials from their past patients on their website, we’d be using those videos for facebook ads, since facebook LOVES video. 

And it’s also EXTREMELY cheap. – like a penny per second view. 

We decided to run Chatbots and Facebook ad Leadforms where we can download the subscriber directly from Facebook.


44 scheduled consultations with 2 ads within one week – no landing page or website.

10 consultations from chat bot in one week – $5 per lead

25 consultations from lead ad within one week at $2 each.

consultations each week
Weekly Sales from Procedures
Dollars for 50% deposit

Do you want these results, too?