By, econlon1
How and why you should create a Black Friday Offer

It’s that time of year!! Black Friday/ Cyber Monday! Let me help you create the perfect Black Friday offer with these profitable email sequence templates, and Facebook ads calculator. Read and download below

The Benefits of creating and promoting a Black Friday / Cyber Monday offer

  • 71% of shoppers between 25–34 have saved up more for holiday shopping.
  • 54% of buyers will use online stores for their Black Friday shopping.
  • 55% of eCommerce stores and retailers will have more product promotions this year.
  • Cyber Week, starting from Thanksgiving to Cyber Monday will draw in $37.2 billion — that’s 16.8%of the season’s revenue (on par with last year’s share)
  • Cyber Monday will see the most growth over the weekend at 6.1% And $12 billion in revenue, followed by Black Friday at $9.6 billion and Thanksgiving at $5.6 billion
  • 71% of survey respondents said they will shop online on Black Friday and Cyber Monday.


Action Items

  1. Brainstorm possible offers for this promotion.
  2. Search through your email from past years to see what type of promotions and bundles have been offered to you. (Use these as inspiration/)

Spend some time brainstorming what you can offer for this promotion.

This offer will only be available between Black Friday and Cyber Monday and should create a strong desire for people to buy.

  1. Brainstorm possible offers for this promotion.
  2. Search through your email from past years to see what types of promotions and bundles have been offered to you. (Use these as inspiration/)

You want to ask yourself:

“What is the new opportunity I’m offering?”

“What offer can really help new prospects to sign up? Is there a sense of urgency?”

“What are the obstacles that would prevent people from signing up?”

You can address these objections in your message.

Spend some time brainstorming what you can offer for this promotion.

Make a list of your ideas from this template

This offer will only be available between Black Friday and Cyber Monday and should create a strong desire for people to buy.

Evaluate each potential offer by asking yourself the following questions:

  1. What would your customers’ desire level be for this offer? (1 = meh; 10 = sell the house to buy this)
  2. How helpful would this offer be? (1 = meh; 10 = life changing)
  3. How good of a value is this offer? (1 = saved $10; 10 = mind blown)

Add each score to the spreadsheet.

Step 2: Pick your offer.

Once you’re finished adding all ideas, look at the totals and see which idea(s) scored highest

Step 3: Create your email templates

Use these Black Friday / Cyber Monday Email Templates here

Step 4: Create your Ad budget

With paid ads, It’s best to test and scale slowly, increase your budget by 25% at most, allow a few days for results to come in, and then scale again, if desired. Increasing too quickly can cause the ads not to scale because the algorithm needs more time to learn about the ad’s performance.

Use this ad template to create your ad budget

Step 5: Promote your offer!

You’re now set up for success. Go get ‘em!!

P.S If you’d like our team to create a Black Friday Offer for you, 

Click here 

How and Why to Create a Black Friday Offer