By, econlon1

If you haven’t started your Black Friday campaign, there is still time and our team can help you with this. Our past CoolSculpt and Lip Injections Black Friday campaigns have bought our clients 4x the number of consultations and we’re prepared to do it again. Our strategy is to get them to sign up for a small noncommittal procedure, then once they get to know and trust you, we then lure them in with a higher-tier procedure. 
Here are some of the results from last year’s Black Friday campaign: 

→ $22K in from Coolsclulpting procedure for Michael Turner at MDMiami from Black Friday Promotion, Facebook ads, email sequence, “omnipresence” retargeting, and SMS reminders.

→ $63K in Facelift patients from an upsell from a Black Friday promotion, strategies include email sequences /chatbots attributed in 6 months, with a 180% return on investment.

→ 20 new consultations resulting in $25K generated in 4 days from a Black Friday promotion that upgraded to a Facebook live event
Get our proven Black Friday email and promotions templates- just copy and paste these into your email software and get ready to launch!

Black Friday Campaigns